Hiring a GC to help the aftermath: Rebuild & Renovate:

By Ariana Stubbolo

Hiring a GC to help the aftermath

Natural disasters, environmental setbacks, and accidents happen outside of our control. When the unexpected happens, it can leave behind devastating effects.

Emergency services are a large part of what is required from a commercial general contractor. The unforeseen future will inevitably bring about issues that can disrupt a business and compromise public safety. It is vital in situations like these to hire a qualified general contractor to fix the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Here are some of the emergency services that may be asked of a GC when such emergencies happen:

Water Damage:

Storms and water intrusions can seriously damage a building’s interior and exterior. Restoration of these areas that are affected by water damage will require an emergency repair to address the leaks from the storm damage, which can be completed through a GC.

Emergency Board-up's:

Natural disasters, bad weather, and breaks ins can all call for securing up your business. Should the need ever present itself for services such as boarding up windows, doors, or openings to protect the property from further damage, contact a local GC to be sure it is done properly.

Temporary & Structural Repairs:

In some situations, providing a temporary solution to maintain safety and functionality until permanent repairs can be made, is necessary. Natural disasters that compromise the safety of a building’s stability require immediate attention. A general contractor will be able to properly asses, plan, and act on what is required. This will also ensure that emergency exits and access routes are clear and functional to comply with safety regulations.

Plumbing Emergencies & Electrical Repairs:

Without a quick response to plumbing emergencies such as burst pipes, sewage backups, or major leaks, potential new or worse damage can occur. If there is faulty wiring to a building or an electrical problem immediate attention is required.

The re-build, renovation, and remediation of emergency situations like the few listed here are all within the expertise of a commercial general contractor.

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